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Silver Spoon Online


It is to Certifies to the Association that the Applicant is a retail merchant and the actual owner of the Retail Business(es) listed. Agrees with the Association to pay promptly when due all sums charged by the Association: (late fees may apply) Acknowledges that upon expiration or termination of the Applicant’s membership in the Association, all benefits enjoyed by the Applicant as a member of the association may be cancelled by the Association; and Acknowledges that upon acceptance by the Association of this Application the Applicant will become an Ordinary member of the Association. Acknowledges that participation in certain programs will require credit approval by RMA or by the sponsor of the program. Rebates, discounts and terms for all programs are subject to change without notice. As per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which came into effect January 1, 2004, the member understands and: Consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information obtained on any of the Associations’ forms. Acknowledges that personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected Allows the association to forward such information, from time to time, to existing and prospective marketers in order to participate in the marketing programs of the member’s choice The Association does not sell its members’ Personal information to any organization for any purpose. This notice is subject to revisions as deemed appropriate.
